4,5 * 3,5 mm 1K kichik karbonli tolali quvurlar
1K carbon fiber tube
-- A 1K carbon fiber tube is a type of carbon fiber tube that is composed of one thousand individual carbon fibers woven together.
The "1K" designation refers to the thickness of the individual fibers, with "K" being shorthand for "thousand." This type of carbon fiber tube is known for its exceptional strength and stiffness, making it ideal for use in a wide range of applications.
1K carbon fiber is stronger and stiffer. This property makes 1K carbon fiber an ideal material for applications where high strength and rigidity are necessary.
1K carbon fiber has a wide range of applications across various industries due to its exceptional properties. Its high strength-to-weight ratio, stiffness, resistance to corrosion and fatigue, and aesthetic appeal make it an ideal material for a variety of applications.
Please contact us to check more details about 1K carbon fiber tubes
Qisqacha tafsilot
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Devor qalinligi
TwillThinest: 0,5 mm
Oddiy: 1mm/1,5mm/2mm
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Mahsulot tavsifi:
Janpan yoki Tayvandan Toray yoki Tairyfil uglerod tolasi materialini tanlash.
3K filamentli mato va bir tomonlama matolarning to'liq o'rashidan foydalanish.
Havo oqimi uchun nozik porloq qoplama uchun shaffof epoksi qoplama.
Turli xil ilovalar uchun keng qo'llaniladi, dron ramkalarida tulki misoli, robot qo'llari, motorsport, aerokosmik mahsulotlar va boshqalar.
Uglerod tolali quvurlar standart uzunlikdagi 1000mm yoki 2000mm mavjud, shu bilan birga, devor qalinligi moslashtirilishi mumkin.
Shuningdek, biz mijozlarning talablari asosida CNC kesish xizmatini taklif qilishimiz mumkin.
Yuqori quvvat
Korroziyaga qarshilik
Keng haroratli ilovalar
Barqaror kesma
Magnit bo'lmagan yoki elektromagnit
Engil vazn - kamroq zichlik